Lighter Self

Find joy in moving around!

Moving around in nature is always very rewarding as you become more positive while interacting with its beauty, colors, smells, sounds and movement. People tend to feel more connected and enjoy their workouts while improving their performance, health, lifespan, mood, ability to cope with stress, cognitive functions, focus, concentration and much more...

Healthy eating, healthy living!

Healthy eating is not just about following a strict diet and depriving yourself of everything that is good. Healthy eating is a lifestyle change where you will feel wonderful, vibrant and full of energy! We can work together to set yourself up for success by planning ahead and taking small steps towards your goals of becoming the best version of yourself!

Take the first step out of your comfort zone!

Don't ever forget that you can do whatever you set your mind to do. So, just take that first step towards your health and never stop believing in yourself. Keep taking faster and bigger steps until you run. Once you run, keep running faster, and remember that you are doing this for yourself, for your heart, and for your life!

Find the path to a new healthier, fit and happier you!

I created this program to help you get in the best shape and vibrancy of your life!

Become the best version of yourself!

Latest Blog

Lasanha Mediterrânea Vegana Sem Glúten

Por dois dias, eu fiquei ocupada depois do trabalho criando esta lasanha vegan super saborosa, colorida, nutritiva, de baixo teor de gordura, sem glúten e sem grãos, para o aniversário...

Gluten-Free Mediterranean Vegan Lasagna

For  two days, I was busy creating this flavorful, colorful, nutritious, low-fat, gluten-free, grain-free, vegan lasagna for my mom’s birthday! It worked, and it was a hit! Everybody loved it,...

Nut Milk

Making your own nut milk is super easy, and it is super nutritious and delicious! Nut milks contain no lactose, saturated fat, cholesterol, processed ingredients and additives, such as artificial...

Affirmation for the Weekend!

Losing weight is not just about eating healthy! Let’s strengthen our emotional states so we can make better choices to heal our lives! I welcome change with gratitude and excitement...

Frozen Grapes

With summer arriving, who doesn’t crave for something cold and sweet? I know I do! And I love to snack on frozen grapes! Besides being the most delicious natural mini-popsicles...

Affirmation for the Weekend!

I choose to accept and feel my feelings deeply within my heart, reaching for the stars even if fear arises because I know that the opportunities to expand are limitless,...

Quinoa Tabbouleh

I can’t get tired of quinoa! It is my favorite “grain” to add to my meals, because of the wonderful health benefits it provides me, besides being delicious! Today, I...

Banana Pancake

Delight yourself with these delicious and convenient bananas pancakes! They are super easy to make as you only need really two ingredients: bananas and eggs! But I really enjoy adding...

Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

The more you deny yourself a forbidden food, the more tempting it becomes, and the higher is the chance of you going overboard and binge eating when you finally allow...

Affirmation for the Weekend!

I surrender to what is, and I choose to experience my life to the fullest, with gratitude for everything that I am experiencing now because every moment is a gift and...